The following groups meet at the Community Centre
Crosshill Recreational Bowling Club
Mondays 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Club nights for Table bowls
Tuesday 1.30 - 3.30pm
Come along to craft and chat. Tea and biscuits provided
Contact: Kate 07596 725387
Stair Players Amateur Dramatics
Rehearsals Tuesdays 7pm
Annual production at Stair Community Centre
Contact: Geoff Brierley 07565 374234
Stair Womens Institute
Second Wednesday of the month 2 - 3.30pm
Interesting and informative talks and demonstrations
Church Guild
Third Wednesday of the month 2 - 3.30pm
Plus occasional church social and fundraising events
Wednesdays and Sundays
Club meetings and concert practices. Open to young people 14 to 28 years
Milestone Classic Rock Band
Local band practice. Available for functions.
Contact: James Wilcox 07528557315
Thursday 7.30 - 10pm
An evening of playing traditional Scottish fiddle music
Contact: Douglas Smith 07811 310182
Dru Yoga with Anita
Thursday 2 - 3.30pm
Dru Yoga led by Anita Welsh
Meeting for Worship of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Sundays 10.30 - 11.30am
Everyone welcome
Contact: Kate Gulliver 07596 725387
Stair Social Club
Annual Hogmanay Family Ceilidh
Contact: Kate Gulliver 07596 725387
Monthly meditation
Monthly meetings
Six Mile Wide
Local band practice.
Women of the Coalfield Region
Occasioanl events.