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  • staircommunitycentre

Christmas Coffee & Cakes


Stair Community Association would like to invite you for a morning coffee and home baking experience on Saturday 27th November from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. It will be an opportunity to meet friends and family for a coffee and chat in a quiet setting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

There will be a Community swap table available for you to bring surplus garden produce and unwanted gifts. People can take what they want and put a donation into the bucket if they wish.

There will also be an opportunity to make something at the Craft table – possibly something festive like a Christmas card!

Everyone is welcome and please can you pass on this message to keep the kettle boiling – it is much appreciated!

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Thank you :)

The Committee would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in the annual litter pick. It is great to know so many people are willing to help out and do their bit for a local litter pick

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