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Community Clean Up

The Association would like to thank all the members of the community who are doing their bit to keep the local area clean. In previous years an annual litter pick has been held to enable the community to join together to clean up the litter, but the restrictions on gatherings has prevented this.

However it has not stopped individuals and household groups getting out and tidying the place up. So far over 80 blue bags of litter plus several wheels and a pink pop up tent have been collected and we are most grateful to the staff of East Ayrshire Council's outdoor amenities team for collecting and disposing of the bags, thank you.

Anyone wishing to join in with keeping the area litter free is most welcome. Blue bags, litter pickers, reflective vests and gloves are available from the Centre. Full Blue bags of collected litter can be left at the Centre for collection by the outdoor amenities team.

If you would like to join the Stair Litter Pickers WhatsApp group please contact Kate Gulliver:

Read about how much litter is costing the Council: East Ayrshire Council news

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