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  • staircommunitycentre

Events have returned to the Centre

Events at the Centre in 2023 got off to a great start with a wonderful evening with Ken O'Hara's presentation of Backstage. He gave a brilliant insight into the work that goes on backstage for a performance. From the beginning of an idea through to a performance on stage, and its much more than learning your lines!!

The monthly Coffee and Cake mornings restart on Saturday 28th January.

In February, we will be welcoming The Gaiety on Tour production of Mice and Murder and have our annual Quiz Night with Geoff Brierley

March will host our Annual General Meeting and a performance by the Ayrshire Ukulele Clan

Stair Players will round of the season with 'A Trio of One Act Comedies' at the end of April. Last year their performances of 'Paras over the Barras' were a sell out. So be sure to book your tickets if you don't want to miss out on a great nights entertainment

Details are available on the website and in the Newsletter

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Thank you :)

The Committee would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in the annual litter pick. It is great to know so many people are willing to help out and do their bit for a local litter pick

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