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  • staircommunitycentre

Time to vote

Stair Community Association has applied for a grant from the Drongan, Rankinston and Stair Regeneration Groups Participatory Budget Fund DRS PB Fund to help fix the windows at the Centre.

The windows were installed over 20 years ago and need a bit of repair and refurbishment to ensure they continue to keep the building warm and secure for everyone.

The voting for projects to receive PB Funds will be held at Drongan Community Centre on Friday 24th November 1.30 - 5pm.

Please go along and vote for who gets the funds they need.

Thank you

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Thank you :)

The Committee would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in the annual litter pick. It is great to know so many people are willing to help out and do their bit for a local litter pick

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